Chrystal Beauty And Lazer

+1 214 900-7757

     Beauty And Lazer.

Looking for Beauty and Microblading in ARLINGTON, TEXAS ? CHRYSTAL'S Beauty And Lazer offers a cortege of beauty services designed to help you look your best.

Permanent Eyeliner.

Like all forms of permanent makeup, permanent eyeliner is a tattoo that’s designed to help you look your best. When you come visit us at Business Name, we’ll apply the tattoo to your specifications.

That means we’ll take color, line thickness, and more into account. This allows us to ensure that you’re getting the exact look that you’re “looking” for. That’s the Chrystal's Beauty And Lazer promise!

     Beauty And Lazer.

Permanent eyeliner lasts much, much longer than regular eyeliner, but that doesn’t mean it lasts forever.

Depending on your skin and how you take care of it, it should last for at least one year.

 If it’s properly taken care of, we expect it to last up to three years. After that, you’ll need to visit us again in order to get it touched up.

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Get Permanent Eyeliner With Chrystal's Beauty And Lazers?

Chrystal's Beauty And Lazers is happy to be Arlington texas permanent eyeliner institution of choice. Book your appointment with us today!

What You Will Discover:

  • Are you tired of applying eyeliner every day? Is there a specific look you’re struggling to achieve?
  • Chrystal's Beauty And Lazers can help. Our beauty experts will carefully apply permanent eyeliner to help you look your best.
  • There’s nothing we love more than having someone visit us, only to come out feeling better about their look.
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Dina Kaswatuka

Ready to Try Something New?

Whether you want them fuller or thinner, anyone can benefit from cleaner eyebrows.
Thicker lashes or curly ones? Either way, we'll make your eyes more attractive.
Want to fill out your lips or try a new color? Business Name is here to help.
What look is complete without the right makeup? We'll help you highlight your natural beauty.
We will figure out what works for you and togetherwe can come up with the very top solutions for your look!


Mailing Address
518 Brynmawr ct, Arlington
Texas, 76040
Email Address

Phone Number

(214) 900-7757

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